Additional Time (it does not matter the unit of measure- just keep this ratio the same) The general rule when distressing is to sand on sections that would naturally receive wear and tear over time: Here’s a great video to watch for technique! Or do I just leave it as the white below and then when I go to distress it the wood below the white paint will come through? So, they seemed like the perfect candidates for our first foray into distressing with Chalk Paint®. . The more shared knowledge we can harness, the more magnificent our furniture transformations! Step 5- Distressing . Or if you want a glossier finish to your piece, just take take a clean, soft cloth and rub circles across your piece to bring out the shine! Here is a great resource to check out for even more aging techniques. Then, I put down my brush, grabbed a soft, lint-free cloth (a microfiber cloth, piece of cheesecloth, or t-shirt will do), and wiped in the direction of the grain to further massage that wax into the piece and remove any excess. Filed Under: DIY, Home, Tips & Tricks, Tutorial. © Michelle Project Type: Just search here to find the stockist nearest you. When you distress painted furniture you want to keep in mind the natural wear and tear of a piece and work with that in mind. Distress your piece where it would naturally receive wear and tear over time. Difficulty You can sand away to reveal a different color underneath, or do a dry brushing technique to layer a new color atop a base. Lacquer thinner. Though it felt so counter-intuitive to what I’ve always been taught! I invested in an Annie Sloan brush for the job and despite it being expensive, it is far and away the best brush I have used, giving great coverage, and most importantly, not giving me blisters and callouses like … They are really thorough and helpful- answering questions i have while distressing and painting with ASCP! Who wants to pause to clean your brushes? Thanks Michelle. For my shelf with a raised design I just had to sand over the raised areas to remove the paint from those spots. Soon after, I went back in for coat #2! My favorite method? You may grab 1-2 photos, but do not crop out a watermark, and please provide a link back to this site and ascribe proper credit. Here’s a way to speed the natural process of the steal coating wearing off. Graphics by Sincerely Peachy. Seriously, it’s so easy. Apply your second coat of Chalk Paint®. Learn how to paint and distress furniture as I makeover my farmhouse bistro style chairs... again! That’s a top tip I picked up from. When in doubt, remember less is more. How To Give Painted Metal A Distressed Look The color is Linen White. That said, if you’re interested in more of a smooth, modern finish to your painting project, this post will be your guide. Keep working until you can see the original stained finish underneath the paint. Many people say they have used it on their kitchen and dining room tables without any problem at all; they just recommend that you only use a non-ammonia, non-bleach multipurpose cleaner on it. I realize that probably sounds like a lot of work, but I have no doubt it will be worth it to see that finished buffet! Here is one more shot of the wall! There are two ways I like to distress, one is called wet distressing, where you use a wet rag, but the paint is dry. ventilation: if you are in a small workspace, make sure you have windows and fans to help move the air during the drying time (keep the fans off while painting). If wanting to distress, make sure you do it where usage would naturally show, such as handles and corners. Usually, this means you may have applied too much wax. I just took some 120 grit, lightly hit the edges and anywhere else I applied the Vaseline and the paint started chipping away. All GREAT JOB! It sounds so much easier to do. Is there a piece of wood or inside of the cabinet you could do a test run on? I’m so happy to hear it’s been helpful! No. Basically I thin it to the consistency of water. Because I have a million and one things in my garage to choose from. Looking forward to my first Annie Sloan projects… those two furniture pieces in our tent house! Sanding block I would massage the wax into a small section (like a ninth of the tabletop or one surface of one table leg), using a combination of circular and side-sweeping motions, always ending with a sweep in the direction of the grain. Oct 24, 2018 - Explore Marianne Goudreau Ackley's board "distressing chalk paint", followed by 333 people on Pinterest. How to Chalk-Paint Leather and “Faux” Leather. Last awesome trick I just recently tried is using a medium grade steel wool pad when distressing…This technique worked AWESOME for those flat surfaces that are a little harder to sand down & distress w/out looking ‘scratchy’… I was actually totally amazed at how evenly and nicely it help to de-stress the flat top of a chest of drawers and a small table – – that is definitely one trick that I’m going to stick by forever!! Again, it’s all about the specific look & vision one has in mind for their particular piece of furniture, but I really think you can’t screw these projects up, (unless you encounter paint/humidity/rotting wood, etc. How to distress furniture is one of the easiest furniture painting techniques there is.Distressing paint on furniture is also probably one of the most commonly used technique as well. If you just want to paint metal a totally new color without any distressing or chippyness to it, spray paint will work, too. In that case, you can disregard grain altogether, which is exactly what I did for my first coat on the table. I am just learning and will review this tutorial and its links many times. The paint and primer sanded nicely on the raised areas and made quick work of the distressing. You’ll have no trouble at all using one can on an old dresser with plenty left over for future projects. (It’s super important for the wax to be applied in thin coats and rubbed in, kind of like you would put lotion on your hands. Thanks Toni! Modern Master Bedroom with Black, Purple and Leopard Accents REVEAL. You could also use a white spray primer in a can if you have it. Thank goodness we didn’t have to prime all that surface area! If you don't have a raised design, sand the areas that would naturally distress with age like corners and random parts of the piece. It gave me a little more to grip. let your creativity splish, splash, & spill, When I popped open my first quart of Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan, I remember thinking, “I wonder if this can live up to the hype.”. The wax seals and protects your piece, and although it comes out of the can super soft, like Crisco, it will harden when it dries within 24 hours or less. I hope that I have stated that clearly enough for you to understand. I only used just a little over half of my quart…and that covered 7 pieces (a table and six chairs) with two coats of paint each. Hi Lauren! Add a second or third layer of wax on any tabletop. Room Makeovers. Your first coat of Chalk Paint® is basically a priming coat. This easy technique is one that you will use all of the time from now on. Painted wood furniture for that too or garage sale, Bible Journaling or! Just continue painting coats until you have how to distress chalk paint on metal the whole thing Gaines makes a great job & love... 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