The char type cannot take negative values. The most commonly used reference type is the String, which is a combination of characters. long: The longdata type is a 64-bit two's complement integer. float to int, short, or byte or double to long, int, short and byte. Similarly, when we try to add two characters, their ASCII values (integers) are added. One way to cast a long primitive type … *; public class DiffDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis( ); System.out.println(new Date( ) + "\n"); Thread.sleep(5*60*10); System.out.println(new Date( ) + "\n"); long end = System.currentTimeMillis( ); long diff = end - start; System.out.println("Difference is : " + diff); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Got an exception! The signed long has a minimum value of -2 63 and a maximum value of 2 63 -1. So it is preferred to use double variables rather than float. The long data type is a 64-bit two’s complement integer. long Data Type in Java . In Java, the primitive data types can be cast to a String. Numeric type can take both positive and negative values. So, an almost float is not used in regular programming. Data type defines the values that a variable can take, for example if a variable has int data type, it can only take integer values. if you are assigning the data directly, you need to add "l" to make it long or if the data is assigned during runtime, the JVM will automatically convert the data type, which you don't need to worry – Reddy Nov 12 '13 at 4:40 So whenever you want to declare a number explicitly to long type, you must add "l" to the number. ; A long is a 64-bit signed integer. Non-Primitive Data type. Examples: int x = 150000. int y = -2004320. The byte, short, int, and long are all signed data types. This is the default datatype to store decimal (real numbers) values. It essentially means that each variable must be declared with a pre-defined data type which can not be changed afterwards. So UniCode is compatible with ASCII. A primitive is named by a reserved keyword and is predefined by the language. Similarly, when we try to add two characters, Along with the primitive types, we have a special group of variables known as, Java: Convert Minutes To Seconds & Vice Versa | 4 Simple Ways, Java: Convert Hours To Seconds & Minutes | Vice Versa, Java Number Of Words In A String | 4 Ways, Java Program To Calculate Salary Of An Employee | 3 Ways, Java Mortgage Payment Calculator in 3 Ways | Java Programs, Java Program To Calculate Modulus | Mod Java, Java Standard Deviation in 4 Easy Ways | Java Programs, Java Distance Traveled By Vehicle Program | 4 Ways, Mean Java Program In 4 Simple Methods | Java Programs, 4 Ways To Calculate Mode In Java | Java Programs, Java Program To Calculate Median Array | 4 Methods, 4 Methods To Find Java String Length() | Str Length, Java Code For log() – 4 Simple Ways | Java Codes, Java Code to Calculate Love Percentage [FLAMES] | Programs, [GUI] Implement Simple Calculator Using JFrame/Swing In Java | Programs, Java Program to Calculate Income Tax | Java 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