Food Systems Lab. The activity is designed 0000362965 00000 n
0000425682 00000 n
0000418057 00000 n
Lesson Plans Food: Food Waste. Tb13U�����8� �~�ͭZ���'�}s��o��}�F����9�ќ�ئp�o� ��]��i�f�����K=d�.>ܯc���Ϫ��o��:��yX��1. Children will be more likely to try new food when they grow it themselves. 0000311253 00000 n
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Eat. Shock spending scandal 0000406135 00000 n
Recycling & Waste Reduction Lessons/Activities Page Content All lesson plans are in PDF format (unless otherwise noted) and have been reviewed and field tested in formal school classroom settings. 0000437122 00000 n
0000413352 00000 n
0000437199 00000 n
Student activities including self-guided investigations and activities and more. This lesson may be tailored to suit the 0000417037 00000 n
0000252497 00000 n
Handout with a table where students can write out anything they wasted in the 5 days. This unit is designed to teach students about food waste and ways they can help reduce it. Lesson Plan - Food Waste - Level 2 “Address the Excess - A Recipe for Cutting Food Waste: Peter Lehner at TEDxManhattan” LEVEL 2!! 0000419028 00000 n
0000432429 00000 n
This lesson teaches students how reduce food waste at home and school through fun hands-on activities and discussion. Curricular Connections: Common Core Math: Grades 3-5 Number and Operations in Base Ten 0000353582 00000 n
Text with black boxes within the PDFs are links to supplemental materials. 18 Composting and Landfill 19 ‘What does an anaerobic digester do?’ lesson plan and supporting materials 20-24 ‘Burping Bacteria’ activity sheet and teacher notes 25-29 Debate and role play lesson plan and supporting materials 30-33 You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. 0000418950 00000 n
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Each year, the average American family throws away as much as $2,200 worth of uneaten food, and 40% of all food in the U.S. ends up in landfills. 0000369409 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
The focus is on raising learners’ awareness of how their actions contribute to this global issue and the impact of wasting food. 0000425274 00000 n
0000010455 00000 n
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0000429621 00000 n
{k��8RkhF~���Uz�73�r��~�~�F��4�Ga��Fyz��qC�� ��Rw@??Y�[X^�^�]/�LLUճ&|��? 0000420740 00000 n
Wasted food means a loss of natural resources used for growing, processing, packing, transporting, and marketing as well. 0000427611 00000 n
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0000423387 00000 n
0000307554 00000 n
TammaraSoma Affiliation. 0000409944 00000 n
Initiative(s) Food Literacy. 0000420009 00000 n
0000415687 00000 n
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How can they reduce their food waste? 0000255388 00000 n
This unit contains three lesson plans that will teach students how food waste affects water, climate change, and wildlife. Food Waste. A number of lesson plans on food waste covering topics such as dirt, composting, Indigenous“All My Relations”, food waste tracking, food waste reduction. 0000423773 00000 n
0000004116 00000 n
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? 0000010229 00000 n
0000427202 00000 n
0000359095 00000 n
Each unit contains one or more lesson plans that contain Common Core English/Language Arts, Math, and Next Generation Science Standards. These resources comprise a set of informative teacher notes (including suggested learning activities) that run alongside a Powerpoint presentation filled with images to facilitate learning. Be a food saving hero; Food transformers; Practical powers; P4–P6 lessons. 0000433885 00000 n
Click on an image to open the PDF of the Educational Unit. Teacher notes are built right in! lesson plans; support materials; curriculum connections on recycling, avoiding food waste; waste auditing; ways to reduce waste at school. Food Waste Audit (Social Studies) Students will conduct a food waste audit at their school or a similar setting. 0000418540 00000 n
LifeSmarts, a program of the National Consumers League, provides detailed instructions on how to collect and measure food waste, followed by a series of critical thinking questions ( 0000407568 00000 n
0000418462 00000 n
1.3 billion tons of food is wasted each year. 0000432993 00000 n
Lesson Plans. P1–P3 lessons. 0000406057 00000 n
Lesson Topics: Food waste and the environment. 0000010341 00000 n
0000007408 00000 n
Then they examine the waste on a larger scale, using multimodal resources and applying metacognitive reading strategies. The majority of the environmental impact of food waste is not from the food rotting in the refrigerator or spoiling in a field. 0000406613 00000 n
0000419438 00000 n
355 191
These resources comprise a set of informative teacher notes (including suggested learning activities) that run alongside a Powerpoint presentation filled with images to facilitate learning. ... Food waste is a serious problem. 0000434445 00000 n
<<104D00E2A4324D7CB6C512BBB39EEF76>]/Prev 1115168/XRefStm 4759>>
545 0 obj
0000407013 00000 n
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Reducing food waste lesson. Source. 0000433475 00000 n
0000416644 00000 n
0000422107 00000 n
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0000408443 00000 n
Use these slideshow lessons to introduce your students to the importance of reducing food waste. 0000425196 00000 n
0000412802 00000 n
0000412333 00000 n
0000434922 00000 n
Students created individual recipes to add to a classroom cookbook for our advocacy project.” – 5th grade teacher. In order to teach this class, you need to get familiar with thisem… 0000367078 00000 n
The Food Waste Issue and Ways to Reduce It LESSON PLAN Food waste is a major issue in developed countries. 0000407091 00000 n
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International Think Tank for Food Waste, Tufts: “Reducing Food Waste: Recommendations to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee", International Literary Association: "Finding Solutions to Food Waste: Persuasion in a Digital World" Lesson Plan, An equal access/equal opportunity university. Activities: Food Waste Diary Keep a food diary for one week and track your lunch waste: 1. 0000430508 00000 n
0000008636 00000 n
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0000429136 00000 n
0000254679 00000 n
We understand Love Food Hate Waste New Zealand has created four food waste lesson plans that can be used by primary or intermediate schools to explore the issue of food waste. 0000366716 00000 n
This unit offers multiple lessons plans which encourage youth to reduce food waste by inspiring ownership and pride in that food. 0000435663 00000 n
0000009154 00000 n
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0000414287 00000 n
0000369769 00000 n
Foresty and Natural Resources, 195 Marstellar Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053 USA, (765) 494-3568, © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Integrity Statement | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Agricultural Communication. 0000369110 00000 n
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0000427689 00000 n
Children will be more likely to try new food when they grow it themselves. 0000405623 00000 n
0000431065 00000 n
Disability-related accessibility issue? 0000252873 00000 n
0000428574 00000 n
Introduction This lesson plan supplements the TEDxManhattan video, and is designed to be integrated ina variety of learning settings, both educational and recreational. 0000131612 00000 n
0000436141 00000 n
This unit offers multiple lessons plans which encourage youth to reduce food waste by inspiring ownership and pride in that food. 0000420818 00000 n
0000410424 00000 n
This lesson teaches students how food transportation and food miles affect the environment. 0000252289 00000 n
All images and the video used to teach this class are promotional materials produced for the needs of this campaign. 0000430586 00000 n
0000407490 00000 n
0000434844 00000 n
Emphasis. 8��\-��B/���9��G��:�&U����C�%��E��N��$D��%�u�t�}��%>�%W�nR_���]$g�-�'������sv˽ They need to categorize if it was avoidable, non-avoidable and potentially avoidable 3. Around a billion people don't have enough food to eat, yet we throw away around a third of all the food produced. 0000435741 00000 n
0000419516 00000 n
Most materials can be found in the great outdoors or purchased inexpensively at stores in your area. Deep impacts stem from the agricultural resources needed to grow the food in the first place. Through the ‘Autopsy of food waste’ lesson you’ll get to grips with the food being wasted during lunchtime at your school and inspire your learners to take the lead in reducing what is thrown away by becoming ‘Waste Warriors’. 0000253794 00000 n
Suitable for both primary and secondary schools, this pack can be used by itself or along with the classroom-based Love Food Hate Waste lessons. 0000004759 00000 n
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0000429058 00000 n
This lesson is based on a campaign Intermarche, a French chain of supermarkets, organized in 2014 to cut down on food waste. 0000428652 00000 n
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The second half of the class will diagram the steps that food waste goes through after leaving our plates (food disposal). 0000424301 00000 n
0000435402 00000 n
The first lesson of each age group will inform and inspire your learners, the second will have them loving and valuing food, while the third will give them all the practical know-how to hate waste and save food from the bin. 0000413274 00000 n
0000408044 00000 n
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0000422029 00000 n
This unit contains two lessons which cover how land and water resources are used to produce food. 0000415144 00000 n
Activities embedded in PowerPoint. 0000409510 00000 n
0000406535 00000 n
0000421215 00000 n
September 5, … Please enable scripts and reload this page. 0000428174 00000 n
Save. 0000011166 00000 n
The unit plans include lesson plan ideas with curriculum guides, videos, quizzes, assignments and personal challenges to help students thoroughly examine these complex issues. 0000367698 00000 n
This unit contains three lesson plans that will teach students how to reduce food waste by learning more about proper food storage, best-by dates, and ugly foods. 0000426228 00000 n
0000405545 00000 n
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0000413743 00000 n
They begin by tracking food waste in the school cafeteria. Most materials can be found in the great outdoors or purchased inexpensively at stores in your area. “Students tracked food waste, and developed a class recipe using commonly wasted foods. 0000413821 00000 n
School Gardens 0000424223 00000 n
0000423851 00000 n
Date published. 0000416093 00000 n
0000367450 00000 n
0000424709 00000 n
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Demonstrate how to use the Food Waste Audit worksheet to … In Australia there has been a trend of throwing out food. 0000409432 00000 n
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Resource Type. 17 Anaerobic digestion—Plate to Power! H�\��n�0E�� To make this easier, you may ask the students to diagram the steps for a certain type of fruit or vegetable. 0000176906 00000 n
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It encourages learners to consider the time, energy and resources which are wasted when they waste food. 0000007269 00000 n
Using the food we don't eat. 0000435324 00000 n
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YMI's educational outreach programs tap into popular culture to create a dynamic learning experience. Building conceptual knowledge regarding where our waste goes once it is disposed of. (Years 5, 9) FOOD WASTE 12. 0000430027 00000 n
Around a billion people don't have enough food to eat, yet we throw away around a third of all the food produced. $�3�"$ 0000417507 00000 n
0000417585 00000 n Everyday Leftovers Recipes, Teaching Kids to Waste Less Food: An Educators Guide to Food Waste Ideas, Clean Your Plate! 0000408921 00000 n
0000422921 00000 n
Wasted food means that we waste all of the resources that went into agricultural production, like fertilizer, water, and energy. 0000089142 00000 n
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/� Categorize food waste into the 0000410502 00000 n
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nutshell core learning preparation starter main dessert extra Core Learning We are learning why it is important to not waste food. 2. Trouble with this page? Designed for K-5 and 6-12. 0000366626 00000 n
0000416566 00000 n
Ask these students to diagram all the steps they think occur during the production and distribution phase. 0000415222 00000 n
Lesson Plan. 0000417979 00000 n
0000421293 00000 n
Unit Overview 2 Teachers’ Notes 4 Lesson 1: The Apple Falls Far from the Tree 7 Lesson 2: Pick on ME 19 Lesson 3: Waste Not, Want Not 20 Worksheets21 Considering radical and basic solutions to the problem, students plan persuasive arguments and create blog posts appropriate to their purpose and audience. 355 0 obj
0000005129 00000 n
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English News Lessons: Free 27-Page lesson plan / 2-page mini-lesson - Food Waste - Handouts, online activities, speed reading, dictation, mp3... current events. Instruct students they will be collecting data to learn about their own food waste after a meal. 0000412880 00000 n
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0000253046 00000 n
Lesson Plan for Grades 6-12, EPA Food: Too Good to Waste Implementation Guide and Tool Kit, Further With Food U.S. National Portal for Food Waste, Infographic: Food Waste Reduction Strategies for Home, Institute for Humane Education: 17 Resources for Teaching About Food Waste, Infographic: Food Waste Reduction Strategies for School, K-12 Schools Reducing, Recovering, and Recycling Food Waste Webinar, National Wildlife Federation: Sustainable Food Pathway, Think. 0000426150 00000 n
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0000428096 00000 n
Students will learn where different foods typically come from and calculate food miles for different modes of transportation. • Four Ways to Fight School Food Waste fact sheet – details practical approaches schools can take to reduce food waste (teachers can use these facts to augment the student brainstorming done in Step 3 of the lesson plan) • Additional Resources list on page 15 of this lesson plan • Preview the WWF Food Waste … 0000410022 00000 n
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Most lessons are K-5, but some include middle school and high school standards, and many can be scaled up. 0000366840 00000 n
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This lesson introduces learners to food waste - a current, real world environmental issue. 0000430987 00000 n
The campaign was called Inglorious Fruits and Vegetablesand used a number of techniques to promote and implement their idea. 0000416171 00000 n
0000432021 00000 n
Lesson Plan Description. Find out about his recyclable house, pop-up cafes and some of his other projects, and hear his big plans for safeguarding our future. NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas: MS-ESS3.A, MS-ESS3.C In this video, we'll explore some easy ways you can help reduce food waste, like using specialized mobile apps, composting, and making a weekly food menu. Many lessons are currently in Indiana Academic Standards but will be updated by the end of the 2018 calendar year. 0000005164 00000 n
Please contact us at so we can help. Lesson Plans Food: Food Waste. Food waste in school 16 What can we do with food waste? 0000367574 00000 n
Assign a meal time students will be looking at their food waste: lunch or dinner are highly recommended. 0000367326 00000 n
0000411937 00000 n
The unit plans, called #foodcrisis and Food Waste, have been distributed to over 200 teachers, from Ontario to as far away as Beijing, China and Adelaide, Australia. In this lesson students will conduct an investigation of their own trash consumption and become aware of how improperly handled trash impacts the environment. 0000367202 00000 n
0000010546 00000 n
This page contains Educational Units developed for The Nature of Teaching program. 0000007234 00000 n
0000254186 00000 n
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