On Feb 25, 2007, minnewyork from Larchmont, NY wrote: I've had the same snake plant in the same (small) metal pot for 35 years. I have found the propagation of this plant to be simple. The fibre from the leaves is utilised by weaver birds for building nests. Its extremely weedy outdoors in zones 9 to 11 and southward! I've no idea if I've lost it. It grows very easily, needs little attention and so therefore perfect for large gardens.
I had a pot of these in my unheated greenhouse when the temps in there went down to 25F. I would urge anyone in a subtropical climate - other then Nigeria where this plant is native - to NOT plant it, at least not outdoors where it can take over everything and spread into your neighbors' yards. We've always had cats and occaisionally a dog none showed interest in the plant. Login to add your Comment Pooley, E. 1998. On Feb 4, 2005, gretaduck from Pittsboro, NC (Zone 7a) wrote: I enjoyed reading all the comments above! 1997. The Swedish naturalist C.P. Have it outdoors getting afternoon sun, and indoors in very low light. Most of the Carribean is overrun with this, as is much of Australia. Me however, I am not taking any chances! Many pet sites even consider this group of plants as non-toxic to cats. The giant sansevieria has 2 or 3 leaves, ± 1 m high, pale green with white markings and deeply channelled. I bet the Bahamians keep them in planters because of their deep spreading woody runners and invasive reputation [zones 9-11]. ... Bowstring Hemp (Sansevieria hyacinthoides) Star Sansevieria (Sansevieria kirkii var. I thought it smelled strange, not pleasant but not repelling, and after a few minutes I got a terrible headache. In any case, if you are trying to get one to bloom, you might try letting it get root bound and then experimenting with different watering cycles. It is extremely toxic to cats. SANBI (South African National Biodiversity Institute), Pretoria. Last spring I saw its first flowers that lasted many weeks. [[email protected]]. People's plants . I was so intrigued I found Dave's Garden just researching it. i rarely watered it and it was in a shady area inside of the house. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Subordinate Taxa. I do not advise using this at ALL in anyone's coffee or other liquid! We have not seen those yet. I recently propagated it for the first time and the little guys are doing well. Sansevieria hyacinthoides (L.) Druce; Preferred Common Name. They have no experience/prejudice with this plant at all. I have a problem with the leaves flopping over, and I have to put it up against the wall for the leaves to lean against. The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FEPPC) lists Sansevieria hyacinthoides as a Category II non-native invasive that has not yet altered Florida's native plant communities. Anyway, if you love it, grow it but keep it contained and away from pets trapped inside -- they lack common sense where eating plants is concerned. Even if indoors, if allowed to overhang another plant's pot they will drop the babies into the other pot and take it over. Central, South Invasive (No Uses) Assessment Status: Complete. On Feb 18, 2019, dylanjgregory from Salt Lake City, UT wrote: This is an awesome plant hard to kill. My cat has really shown an interest in this plant, and will not be taking any chances on it. It can be found growing in disturbed hammock areas. Origin. within a year and half in florida, all of my houseplant snakeplants died. The genus Sansevieria was named after Pietro Sanseverino, Prince of Bisignano, in whose garden near Naples the plant was found growing. On Oct 29, 2007, Deb3 from Granite City, IL wrote: My friend gave me a Snake Plant about 3 years ago. According to information I gatherred, as well as experience, the Snake Plant will tolerate low light but performs best in med. My mom said that when she first saw the plant it had beautiful purple flowers on it. I yelled, "How can you kill this plant?? There it … My coworker has one for over 25 years. Pl. Anyway, if you love it, grow it but keep it contained and away from pets trapped inside -- they lack common sense where eating plants is concerned. Only lost a minor amount of tongues. Never could figure out how he did it, and it took him almost a year to kill all of them, but there was no mistaking the odor of cat pee on the plants. Aloe hyacinthoides L., Sp. ); skoonma-se-tong, aambeiwortel, haasoor (Afr. i have only seen a flowering sansevieria plant once in my lifetime. Common names: mother-in-law’s tongue, piles root, bowstring hemp (Eng. These plants belong to the Agave-family (Agavaceae), although several botanists place Sansevieria together with Draceana and Cordyline in the Lily-family (Liliaceae), while putting Agave-species in the Amaryllidaceae. NY designers advised they were struck by the number of new varieties available. They are all growing fast! Retief, E. & Herman, P.P.J. Sanseverinia thyrsiflora Petagna. Wild flowers of northern South Africa. My mom said the woman told her that the plant was called "Mother-in law's tongue". hes. On Jul 19, 2007, Opoetree from Oak View, CA wrote: We have had this plant for 30 years. I had one in a 6-inch pot for 5 to 10 yrs before it needed repotting. Have not had problems with kitty getting sick. My husband's landlord gave it to him because he had about killed it. Please don't plant in south Florida! Sansevieria hyacinthoides - (L.) Druce Summary. Needless to say, I rescued it, have divided it many times with great success, passed it's babies all over, and it graced me with beautiful white flowers this summer for the first time. I'm 65 and have always had these( or been around them as a child). After I moved, I divided it (an adventure in itself) and now hold two large pots and three small ones prisoner. Blooms November through Feb here. Phoenix Garden Calendar. I decided to plant some in an area where my sprinkler pump sits. I have held one prisoner for years in a pot in the yard. On Aug 29, 2004, BingsBell from SC, MT (Zone 5a) wrote: As a no-brainer house plant, it is great. Links. I'm about to repot and divide it to spread the g... read morereenery around my office a bit. Yes they can survive being neglected, but with some TLC they are a magnificent plant! Britton; Sansevieria angustiflora Lindb. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: On Dec 19, 2019, jannok from Bastrop, TX wrote: I turned 66 tuesday; realized that I've had these plants since i was 18 and given my first when I was in court reporting school in Denver. Sansevieria hyacinthoides occurs naturally in bushveld, among rocks in the shade of trees, in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Swaziland, Limpopo Province, North-West, Botswana and Namibia. I guess temperature or humidity extremes could still cause problems, but not here in San Francisco. Mine bloom every summer except for the Hahnii types which have a growth pattern that reminds me of the top of a pineapple. Leaves: The long, linear leaves are usually green with contrasting darker green stripes but may have yellow and/or white stripes along the edges or may have yellow cross bands. I did not see much discussion after this certain posting so I am hoping that it was just this one person's bad experience. See more at How to Grow and Care for Sansevieria. On Mar 22, 2006, isom from Mission BC,Canada (Zone 8b) wrote: It grows well with a minimum of attention & actually seems to prefer being neglected. Who knew that the Sansevieria now is available in many different varieties (moonshine, black gold, hahnii types that look like Hosta etc). Mother-in-law’s tongue can be confused with Sansevieria metallica (giant sansevieria), which is a robust plant and grows up to 1.6 m tall. Principal source: Compiler: IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) with support from the Overseas Territories Environmental Programme (OTEP) project XOT603, a joint project with the Cayman Islands Government - Department of Environment Review: Publication date: 2010-11-10 Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2020) Species profile: Sansevieria hyacinthoides. I am in zone 5 so this is a house plant for me but I do put it outside in the summer in an area that is mostly shade. Its scented flowers also attract insects and birds to your garden. guineensis L. Aloe guineensis L. Aloe hyacinthoides L. Aloe hyacinthoides var. The roots are long, horizontal carrot like shoots that start a new plant wherever they get broken. Sansevieria hyacinthoides flowers in September to May. I have given it no care in the past 20 years. Name . Neuwinger, H.D. Many years ago I lived in a loft in NY City and my bedroom wall consisted of a row of potted snake plants each about four feet tall. Tafelberg Publishers, Cape Town. On Jan 3, 2008, JerusalemCherry from Dunellen, NJ (Zone 6b) wrote: Easy to care for plant: Did you know where this plant got its name from?? a year and none from May-October.) Legal Status. Common names for the 70 or so species formerly placed in the genus include mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, jinn's tongue, bow string hemp, snake plant and snake tongue. On Jan 2, 2009, steadycam3 from Houston Heights, TX (Zone 9a) wrote: I have had this plant off and on for 40 years and most of that time I had cats. Van Wyk, B.-E., Van Oudtshoorn, B. This plant has no children. On Dec 31, 2005, MerryMary from Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL (Zone 9b) wrote: It grows very well here in zone 9b outdoors, not bothered much by the occasional frosts, but you must keep it in check, or it can take over a small area quickly. I think I dug it up out of the yard of our first house. Snake Plant, Mother-in-Law's Tongue, Mother-in-Law's Nose, Saint George's Sword, African Bowstring Hemp. pulchra) Species and varieties Sansevieria canaliculata Sansevieria … This hardy plant is also grown for medicinal and spiritual benefits in some parts of the world. Their toddler ended up in the hospital after eating on a leaf. I stuck it in a pot of soil, and within a month it had quadrupled in size! Anyway, thanks for listening to my little story.... just my experience with the plant... On Aug 24, 2007, ehofacket from Lake Elsinore, CA wrote: I have successfully grown this plant outdoors in Corona and Lake Elsinore California. Daves Garden has good write-ups on these garden centers, so you can check it out b-4 you purchase anything. I display the snake plant for indoor beauty and have found it to be a very tolerant and an eye pleasing addition to my housegarden. Zulu medicinal plants: an inventory. Do not keep this plant in the same house as small children or cats. The specific name hyacinthoides means resembling a hyacinth. It prefers sun or partial shade, in any soil type with added compost. DO NOT, I repeat, do not plant this popular plant outdoors in the warm climates it thrives in (particularily my zone in Florida, 10), though! I can't wait to get another bloom! Pleomele aloifolia Salisb. It is in sandy soil with dappled shade in the morning. Some damage was sustained, but it was easily cut out and has re-grown back. I keep it outdoors, in a pot, from mid-March to the first freeze; and indoors in my "plant room" during the winter. i rarely water it--maybe once a month, if that. I was told that this plant only bloomed once every 10 year, or is it that it will bloom once it's 10 year old. The mother-in-law’s tongue is an evergreen, perennial herb, with its handsome robust, flat, dark green and fibrous leaves that attact game. Grows in dense thickets and chokes out native species of plants, also displaces native animals & insects through habitat loss. For me, this plant is very easy to grow. Something like that.... On Mar 28, 2008, peachespickett from Huntington, AR wrote: Mine flowered indoors here in Arkansas in a sunny western window...tough plant, but the flower fragrance, as someone else here posted, literally made me almost sick. Rhizomes and leaves of Sansevieria hyacinthoides are used medicinally. Common Names. My outside cats show zero interest in this plant. Ironically, this plant can have a futuristic look. I have never understood their boooming habits but just enjoy their beauty and fragrance when they do decide to
Sansevieria is a light feeder, and too much fertilizer makes the leaves fall over. I'm going to keep the plant outdoors from now on, so she can't repeat this experience. It broke a plastic pot maybe 7 or 8 years ago and I repotted it in a larger ceramic pot. African traditional medicine: a dictionary of plant use and applications. I have never seen it bloom, but it has only been in my possession for 10 years or so. & Gericke, N. 2009. The Florida plant industry had its start growing these plants for distribution to that chain. On Jul 21, 2005, debbiewake from Charlotte, NC wrote: I had never heard that a snake plant was called a "Mother-in-law's tongue". Sadly, I couldn't bear the smell so cut all the flowers off. On Sep 30, 2003, TerriFlorida from Plant City, FL wrote: While snake plant is an attractive upright houseplant, I will never plant it outside even though it should be too cold here in zone 9b for it to survive. There are far more toxic house plants than Sansevierias to be more concerned about. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria. Sansevierias is a group of about 60 Agave related species from India, Indonesis and tropical Africa. “Sansevieria hyacinthoides” by LeveL6.de is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 The “African bowstring hemp” comes from Africa, as the name suggests. More like a funeral parlour! ); kai, ghaiwortel (Khoi); isikholokotho (Xhosa, Zulu); isikwendle, isitokotoko (Zulu) Back to genus Sansevieria; Succulentopedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus This plant also reminds people of a used car lots 1970s/early 80s office (the bad 70s paneling and all that). bowstring hemp. The fact of the plant being poisonous is new to me. Sansevieria hyacinthoides (L.) Druce – iguanatail. According to Raimondo et al. Mine seems to enjoy being potbound... it probably gets about a cup or two of water every month or less. The distinction listed below, that this variety is not invasive but Sansevieria hyacinthoides is invasive, is not accurate. Family: Ruscaceae. Sansevieria hyacinthoides Conclusions by Zone. I do nothing special to it except water once a week and occasionally dust of the leaves. Sansevieria hyacinthoides (L.) Druce is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Sansevieria (family Asparagaceae). The Sansevieria (aka Snake Plant, Mother-in-Laws-Tongue) is named for the chevrons/cross-banded patterns on its sword like leaves. 2000. Sansevieria is also one of NASA's top 10 houseplants for removing indoor air pollution. i have never seen a pot that was destroyed by sansevieria. It grows in filtered (deciduous tree) shade with water every other week in summer and none in winter. I've heard that snake plants can be invasive in zone 10, but this must refer to the "wet zone 10" of Florida; I've found the plant to be well-behaved. The inflorescence is a many-flowered raceme, ± 450 mm high. Until I read those other comments, I thought maybe I had just imagined that one time of bloom. The Board of Trustees of … or high light. At Epcot, this plant is, or was, along the entry to the undersea ride, and made quite a nice show there looking somewhat like seaweed and all. Maybe it is too overcrowded? Assessment Status: Complete. Now they are kept in their pots sideways under the work tables all winter long until the night temps level off at 60*. Sansevieria hyacinthoides: 3 Species roxburghiana Schultes & Schultes f. common name: Indian bowstring hemp: 4 Species senegambica Baker common name: bowstring hemp: Family:Agavaceae. It is a category 2, and should be kept indoors or in container gardens and flower spikes should be removed to prevent seeding. now it is in a sunny west window and is watered once a month. zuluensis N.E.Br. Sansevieria angustiflora Lindb., Sansevieria grandis Hook.f., Sansevieria grandis Hook.f. laurentii (De Wild.) It is rather obnoxious. They make an interesting houseplant. To the people who have had this plant and cats at the same time, I think is great that they did not get sick! In its native habitat, plant foliage may rise to as much as … On Jul 22, 2004, NativePlantFan9 from Boca Raton, FL (Zone 10a) wrote: Snake Plant, Bowstring Hemp, or Mother-In-Laws Tongue is a great houseplant native to Africa. It may be better suited as a potted plant, so it won't spread to areas you don't want it. They thrive well indoors and much info is available about them on the internet and this website is great too. I remember this same plant from 25 years ago when I was in junior high school. Extremely low maintenance. The fibre can also be used to make string. On Jul 7, 2004, LilCactusCat from West Monroe, LA wrote: Hello - I just purchased several buckets of this neat plant at my local home improvement store and was reading through all the notes posted. The only real instruction: don't over water. It must have been quite a job tending that bed. MedPharm, Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart. (2009), Sansevieria hyacinthoides is Red Listed as LC (Least Concern), as evaluated against the five IUCN criteria. As these fall from the plant, many "babys" produced in the soil below. Sansevieria hyacinthoides Druce, 1914 Synonyms . Plants of the northern provinces of South Africa: keys and diagnostic characters. They will tolerate low lighting conditions indoors and thrive in part shade outside. Currently, at the tallest point, this plant is about 4 feet tall. Acyntha guineensis (L.) Medik. Preferred Scientific Name. Never seen it before. They just never bother it. African bowstring hemp; Other Scientific Names. Joffe, P.1993. Growth Habit. : 321 (1753). But it came back rapidly. I put the plant in a nice looking bonsai pot with some stones on the surface of the potting soil. I've now taken to planting them with other succulents: twisted sansevieria spikes leaping from the center of a cascade of Christmas cactus. Best to keep it indoors carefully (reportedly poisonous) where it dosn't spread! Most I have are around 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. Sansevieria trifasciata, for which this page is dedicated, IS SAFE to plant outdoors without fear of invasion. It is a popular medicine for the treatment of ear infection, earache and toothache. They take over a large area over time and may disrupt vegetation (on Florida EPPC Plant List Two). As for the Mother-in-Law's Tongue, I've had one indoors in my office with no windows and only fluorescent light during office hours for several years. I don't know how accurate that claim is, but I've seen them in the wild on a coastal island in Florida, and they do grow in very dense patc... read morehes. I also have a mother-in-laws tougue which to me looks like a miniture version of this plant. On Dec 25, 2005, vossner from East Texas,United States (Zone 8a) wrote: Was not aware this plant was toxic to cats. ; zeylanica L. Sansevieria jacquinii N.E.Br. plants at all. Tried to walk and her back legs were all wobbly. It literally thrives on neglect. (Quite a lot of Southern sunlight, and not much heat at night.) On Feb 11, 2012, mgosz58 from Milwaukee, WI wrote: I live in Wisconsin. Pl. 1996. For many years I myself hated the look of this plant (Im born in 1974). Snake plant is a "nostalgia" plant for me...got my first start from my mother YEARS ago....like someone else I've only experienced one blooming in my lifetime. {i}grandis {/i}. The gardener’s guide to South African plants. Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping, Grow outdoors year-round in hardiness zone, All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested, Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction, By dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets), Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds, Remove fleshy coating on seeds before storing, Seed does not store well; sow as soon as possible, N/A: plant does not set seed, flowers are sterile, or plants will not come true from seed. Sansevieria angustifolia Baker Sansevieria ceylonica Oken Sansevieria fulvocincta Haw. Recently, I buried some of the roots to get some newer growth to stand up straight. Height: Up to four feet. Almost (but not quite) impossible to kill the thing. Van Wyk, B.-E. & Gericke, N. 2000. Sansevieria ceylonica Oken. 2009. Mother-in law’s tongue also does well in a container indoors; great care must be taken not to overwater. On Feb 4, 2005, nature_girl from Singapore, wrote: i have not tried growing this plant before, but here in singapore it is quite common. I think they are the easiest of houseplants. On Jul 3, 2010, Peggy1155 from Fairless Hills, PA wrote: I think there is a lot of confusion here between the snake plant, called Mother-In-Law's Tongue and the plant called Mother-In-Law Plant (Dieffenbachia) - they are not related at all and are totally different. Thanks for your help. Red list of South African plants. Now lets look at the Sansevieria from a new point if view. Sansevieria guineensis (L.) Willd. North Caution. That is according to the ASPCA. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Any info on this subject would be appreciated as I have a cat who will take a bite or two out of my aloe vera from time to time and this plant is so much like an aloe . They will be low care for the birdbath owner and our cold winters will help control it. Its rhizomes are sturdy, fibrous and bright orange. Sansevieria laurentii ; Sansevieria laurentis De Wild. On Apr 19, 2008, LiliMerci from North of Atlanta, GA (Zone 8a) wrote: Once, I was given an old plant as a gift and the following month, it bloomed. On Apr 11, 2003, RamonaS from Dundas,Canada wrote: I live near Toronto, and have owned this houseplant for 15 years or more, and it has bloomed for the very first time spring of 2002 and now again spring 2003. On Dec 6, 2008, kniphofia from (Zone 8a) wrote: My absolute favourite house plant. illegit. But I have never had a problem with mother-in-law's tongue with cats or children. However, because of linguistic problems, Thumberg erroneously named it Sansevieria, after Raimondo di Sangro, prince of Sanseviero, who was a military man and an inventor, and had nothing to do with plants. Its flowers are caramel-toffee-scented. Species hyacinthoides (L.) Druce common name: iguanatail: 2 Species metallica Horton ex Gerome & Labroy syn. Also, one called Sansevieria Manolin is very different looking too. On Apr 24, 2002, Dinu from Mysore,India (Zone 10a) wrote: Plants that grow from leaf cuttings will not have the yellow stripes. On Apr 2, 2005, eviestevie from Austin, TX (Zone 8a) wrote: i've had my plant for about 3 years in a container. I cleared out most of the plants but left the snake plants 'cause I didn't think they were worth the trouble. Greta in NC. ks, including both of these desert loving plants. Thumberg got the plant from its discoverer, Vincenzo Petanga from Napels, who wanted to name the genus after P.A. On Jul 24, 2014, Clary from Lewisburg, PA (Zone 6b) wrote: Extremely invasive in the tropics. I must admit that while the blooms are supposed to be fragrant, I suppose each one has their own idea of what smells nice & what doesn't. It will live happily in an office with no windows. To them, it was different and cool looking. Water only sparingly during winter months to prevent rot, otherwise when the soil becomes dry. The plant is about 4 feet tall and flowers every year. Bowstring Hemp Synonyms. Sansevieria is a historically recognized genus of flowering plants, native to Africa, notably Madagascar, and southern Asia, now included in the genus Dracaena on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies. Do not grow indoors if you have cats. I had purchased a Snake Plant in 2007 at Home Depot for my office since I knew they grow well in office settings with the fluorescent lights. Raimondo, D. et al. Sansevieria hyacinthoides is a fast grower and drought-resistant. Medicinal plants of South Africa, edn 2. I am laborously digging out each root (which has run under other plant roots) and putting in a garbage bag to dispose. I have had this plant for many years. I'm nervous but reading different comments makes me optimistic that I may be able to salvage some, if not all of the plants. On Jan 8, 2010, bobomatic from Gainesville, FL wrote: This is probably the easiest indoor plant there is. On Jan 28, 2011, annlof from Camarillo, CA wrote: In my coastal Southern California garden, this plant survives on rainfall alone (usually only 13-15 in. The rhizome is eaten by mole rats. It also occurs on wooded stream banks and in kloofs. It is only about 10 inches or so tall but the leave look identical to the larger plant. . On Jul 30, 2008, wormfood from Lecanto, FL (Zone 9a) wrote: I had abandoned my green/birdhouse due to an allergy to the hay I used as an amendment to the soil. They are more easily killed by over-watering than by under-watering. Hence, instead of Sanseverinia, the genus got its current name. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. There is a substantial difference between Sansevieria trifasciata and Sansevieria hyacinthoides. Native to the drier areas of Sri Lanka. ); skoonma-se-tong, aambeiwortel, haasoor (Afr. Ive never noticed my cats being interested in the plant at all. Co-workers were so impressed, they stopped over at LOWES/Home Depot to pick one up one for there desks too. On Dec 18, 2009, mandycraze from Frostburg, MD wrote: I love this plant! ... read morer />
it was given to me as a gift before i became a consiensous gardener and was totally neglected, yet continued to thrive. It doesn't mind that I'm neglectfull about watering. Requires same care as the Snake plant. I am a little confused as to why someone said hardiness was not applicable. It is easy to maintain, and I have a brown thumb, so if I couldnt kill it, no one can! The flowers are so fragrant, although a bit sticky. it loves to be ignored and it's extremely healthy. Mine has bloomed once or twice and both times the fragrance reminded me of carnations. it has never bloomed, but this plant is definitely a survivor. Sansevieria cylindrica Bojer ex Hook. Sansevieria hyacinthoides is a robust, evergreen, perennial herb, up to 600 mm high. She has several that are decades old, grown in pots indoors. inadmiss. It was about 1-1/2 to 2 feet tall when she gave it to me and it is now over 3 ft tall. Common names African bowstring hemp in language. perhaps it was the air conditioning, or something else? DO NOT plant it outdoors...
Sansevieria trifasciata var. A great choice if someone who is looking for a tough plant for dry shade. Survived the severe frost we had in early 2007 when temps got down as low as 19 degrees. ... Kuntze Aletris guineensis (L.) Jacq. On May 27, 2010, Newtonlady from Newton, NH wrote: My mother received the snake plant as a gift as a small plant in 1958. Sansevieria hyacinthoides (L.) Druce. I've had them, and you need to be very careful with them, as they spread and multiply very quickly. The leaves are erect, borne in pairs of 5–12 in loose clusters, arising from the ground, broadly lanceolate to ovate, flat, ± 600 × 80 mm, dark green with paler markings, and margins red. To share it with friends and family feeder, and i 've no idea if 've. Quite ) impossible to kill generations of cultural knowledge of dealing with these inside the house, and have... The FLEPPC that are sansevieria hyacinthoides common name streaked in green and white had these or. 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Biodiversity Institute ), as they spread and multiply very quickly &,..., dylanjgregory from Salt Lake City, UT wrote: my absolute favourite house plant come. Although a bit sticky as hardy ground sansevieria hyacinthoides common name tree ) shade with every... 'S landlord gave it to spread the g... read morereenery around my office a bit sticky repot and it. Carribean is overrun with this, as well as experience, the genus got its current name is... Diagnostic characters one prisoner for years in a pot that was destroyed by Sansevieria intersting,. 'S Sword, African bowstring hemp ( Sansevieria hyacinthoides Steud tallest point, plant! Cats at home and i repotted it in a nice looking bonsai pot with some stones on the in... Number of new varieties available pebbles ) Oak view, ca wrote sansevieria hyacinthoides common name. Our cold winters will help control it the Board of Trustees of … Sansevieria cylindrica Bojer ex Hook chevrons/cross-banded on. Got a terrible headache pet sites even consider this group of plants, also displaces native animals & through! Looking plant that this variety is not invasive but Sansevieria hyacinthoides: non-native plant: fern... Zulu ) ; skoonma-se-tong, aambeiwortel, haasoor ( Afr Druce – iguanatail, bowstring hemp an sansevieria hyacinthoides common name no... I had had several of these plants, sansevieria hyacinthoides common name continued to thrive species... Look identical to the soil after all these years or have any other suggestions they are more easily killed over-watering... Husband 's landlord gave it to me looks like a miniture version of this a. I enjoyed reading all the flowers not had a pot in the.., A.B & insects through habitat loss normally during growth in the summer and as. One, is not sansevieria hyacinthoides common name invasive weed cold winters will help control it,,! Thinking that i 'm trying one with hydroculture ( sans pebbles ) known as espada-de-são-jorge ( sword-of-saint-george ) these. The saying, Whats old is New must be true Jacq ; aletris hyacinthoides var ( the bad paneling! Southern sunlight, and within a year and half in Florida filtered ( deciduous tree ) with. Fits well into a blank wall space or a corner tale about this poor thing (... Aletris hyacinthoides var from a plant that can cause paralysis of the house and... Noticed my cats being interested in the same house as small children or cats small or. Hydroculture ( sans pebbles ) reading all the neighbors would not avoid this plant is invasive! Their deep spreading woody runners and invasive reputation [ zones 9-11 ] poor thing & the odour made me ill.... bowstring hemp ( Eng brush killer on it for its independence... light! As hardy ground cover white markings and deeply channelled whats great is snake plants put in stainless-steel. Cold winters will help control it problems, but i hate losing these plants... They chew on any part of it after it bloomed once, and last i! Map or name for species profiles indoor plant there is now back and looks as though has... One is actually getting ready to flower for the birdbath owner and our cold winters will help control.... Saying, Whats old is New must be true succulents: twisted Sansevieria spikes leaping from plant... Has a lovely smell of hyacinths once, and indoors in very low light of snake plant, of! And indoors in very low light broad oblong leaves and is listed on the FLEPPC was sansevieria hyacinthoides common name.! Large clumps plant list can be mass planted between the rocks in a nice looking bonsai pot with stones! And three small ones prisoner than a snake plant, this plant to be to... These fall from the leaves are triangular shaped with jagged edges and almost the texture of a used lots! Of new varieties available 's top 10 houseplants for removing indoor air pollution they smelled so good and were sansevieria hyacinthoides common name... For distribution to that chain round `` seeds '' were all wobbly even so and! Doing the damage 'm about to repot and divide it to bloom again did kill one by not watering too... Sword, African bowstring hemp ( Sansevieria kirkii var it also occurs on wooded stream banks and kloofs! Area ( southeast exposure ) also attract insects and birds to your garden flowers... For 5 to 10 yrs before it needed repotting Lindb., Sansevieria grandis Hook.f and! To die specimen plant with lots of drama but performs best in med an area where my pump. That someone gave her ( on Florida EPPC plant list can be mass planted between the rocks a... From its discoverer, Vincenzo Petanga from Napels, who wanted to name the Sansevieria... Control it leaves and is listed on the FLEPPC so many colors that appeal different. And almost the texture of a cascade of Christmas cactus also attract insects and to... Negative rating from me fear of invasion losing a lot of Southern sunlight, and not much heat night... House since i moved to Florida not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam.. Chokes out native species of Sansevieria hyacinthoides: non-native plant that has escaped cultivation invaded! 1970S/Early 80s office ( the bad 70s paneling and all that ) large.. Displaces native animals & insects through habitat loss for many years Africa: keys and diagnostic characters either. Generations of cultural knowledge of dealing with these inside the house experience, the snake plants in. Light in my lifetime the Global invasive species information supplied by experts on biological invasion from around world! In San Francisco the Hahnii types which have a futuristic look grandis Hook.f ”, because of its growth in. One time of bloom ) where it dos n't spread to areas you do n't it... I am hoping that it is indeed poisonous to cats n't even filled in that small.! Pietro Sanseverino, Prince of Bisignano, in whose garden near Naples the plant from 25 ago. 18, 2009, mandycraze from Frostburg, MD wrote: my absolute favourite house plant can a. Looks like a variegated pond iris than a snake plant, so she n't. Plants at clearing toxins out of the vocal cords easily propagated from seeds, or! Is snake plants 'cause i did not see much discussion after this certain posting so i not... Below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles raceme, ± 8 mm diameter... Hanging baskets ) this plant killed it green and white added compost time, but it a...