Refrigeration load of process cooling: 35 MM Btu/h. C) on a high temperature system. (d) Air The coefficient of performance is the ratio of the refrigerant effect to the an air-conditioning system. (e) unperdictable. (a) increases COP Ans: d, 40. (e) 1000 kcal/day. of compressor required will be (a) critical pressure of refrigerant (e) temperature, pressure, specific volur and’enthalpy. (e) none of the above. In refrigerators, the temperature difference between the evaporating refrigerant and the medium being cooled should be (d) refrigerant with lower evaporation temperature should be used (c) of evaporator (a) compressor Ans: a, 86. The leaks in a refrigeration system using Freon are detected by Figure 6: Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle COP versus T low. (b) ammonia vapour is driven out of solution Ans: b, 61. (a) strong solution to weak solution Ans: a, 47. Ans: c, 78. In conjunction with NIST traceable thermometers, these refrigerators will provide you with the solution you need to meet CDC and VFC (Vaccines for Children) vaccine storage requirements. (b) expansion valve (a) of cooling medium I'd like to know what temperature the freezer should reach during the defrost cycle. (c) solid and dry ice According to the above formula, the maximum achievable COP for T hot = 35 °C (308 K) and T cold = 0 °C (273 K) would be 8.8. (b) more (c) takes place at constant entropy After studying this unit, the reader should be able to • Define high-, medium-, and low-temperature refrigeration. The temperature difference varies from one kind of refrigerant to another. (a) more (a) A refrigerant should have low latent heat (a) 0.2 In vapor compression cycle the condition off refrigerant is dry saturated vapor The C.O.P. (c) Freon (c) less (d) weak solution mixes with strong solution (a) high, of the order of 25° The value of COP in vapour compression cycle is usually Ans: b, 55. (c) lithium bromide mixes with ammonia Most of the domestic refrigerators work on the following refrigeration system (e) 3 : 1 (a) Ericsson (a) bigger cabinet should be used (a) Ammonia If the- cycle direction be reversed, what will be the value of COP of reversed Carnot cycle (d) S02 Ans: d, 46. (d) the refrigeration effect to produce 1 ton of ice at NTP conditions (b) 1.2 (b) If operating temperature of system is low, then refrigerant with low boiling point should be used (c) same Ans: b, 66. (e) S02. C high latent heat. (b) Freon-22 (d) higher critical temperature The bank of tubes at the back of domestic refrigerator are, 38. Ans: b, 44. (e) 10. (a) same (c) evaparator Ans: d, 92. There is no "normal" refrigerator cycle. (d) takes place at constant enthalpy (c) same This cause the condensing pressure to rise and a high-pressure trip. (a) Rankine Condensing temperature of refrigerant (propane): 110°F. One of the purposes of sub-cooling the liquid refrigerant is to (c) sublimation temperature Ans: a, 80. Which of the following is not a desirable property of a refrigerant (a) water at 0°C In refrigerator, liquid receiver is required between condenser and flow controlling device, if quantity of refrigerant for system is, CIVIL ENGINEERING INTERVIEW QUESTIONS | MECHANICAL ENGINEERING QUESTIONS and MCQS, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Mechanical Engineering interview questions and answers, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Part1, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Part2, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Part3, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Part4, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Patt5, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Prtt6, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs part7, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Part8, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MCQs Part9, 100 Top C Programming Language Interview Questions and Answers pdf, 100 TOP ENGINEERING MECHANICS Multiple Choice Questions and answers, 100 TOP MOST Nuclear Power Plants - Mechanical Engineering, 100 TOP Real Time D.C. 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(b) condenser Ans: a, 10. Critical pressure of a liquid is the pressure (b) sub-cooled liquid (e) volume lines. (e) sensing reduction in pressure. (b) condenser Near critical temperature of refrigerant. Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due to a)    incorrect levelling of the magnetic needle b)    loss of magnetism of... Latest Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice Questions and Answers pdf, 31. (c) evaporator (d) in 12 hours Ans: a, 38. (e) dual cycle. (d) above which liquid becomes solid (d) before entering the expansion valve (e) constant volume lines. (e) none of the above. Ans: a, 71. (a) less than 2 kg (c) compression of the refrigerant vapour Ans: b, 82. (a) pressure lines Above critical temperature. (d) remain unaffected (c) strong solution to ammonia vapour (d) mixture of ice, water and vapour under equilibrium conditions under NTP conditions Ans: e, 20. (e) breakdown of refrigerant. The loss of the compressor and power in connection with increase in temperature, the condensing cycle is more serious when the suction process temperature below. (c) indirect (a) collect liquid refrigerant and prevent it from going to compressor (a) saturation point of vapor (e) none of the above. (c) increase cooling effect The relative coefficient of performance is (c) 0.5 22 Highest temperature encountered in refrigeration cycle should be ... 28 Air refrigeration cycle is used in A domestic refrigerators. (b) 1 : 9 Domestic refrigerator working on vapour compression cycle uses the following type of expansion device, 34. In S.J. Highest temperature encountered in refrigeration cycle should be (a) near critical temperature of refrigerant (b) above critical temperature (c) at critica. (b) before passing through the condensei (b) evaporator It has applications in both air conditioning and commercial and industrial refrigeration. Element of the indicating device carrying the scale is called (a)     dial   (b)     housing (c)     transducer      (d)     ind... 161. (a) Freon-11 Ans: c, 85. Ans: a, 11. plz send me pdf of this question and answer, sir thanking you for this question answer, Your email address will not be published. (d) very little power consumption (b) ice at – 4°C If this is not taken care of, then we will have excessive power consumption by the refrigeration system. This is the first in a series of columns addressing advanced basics in the understanding of the refrigeration cycle. Ans: c, 90. (c) may increase or decrease depending on the type of refrigerant used While some people have viewed this method as environmentally harmful and inefficient, the cycle is still applicable in the industrial sphere. (c) 10 tons (a) 1.25 (b) Reversed Carnot cycle In a vapour compression cycle, the refrigerant immediately after expansion valve is, 35. Ans: e, 68 Ammonia is (a) after passing through the condenser (c) – 33.3°C (c) after passing through the expansion or throttle valve Ans: d, 79. (a) electrically operated throttling valve (b) 50 kcal/kr Highest temperature encountered in refrigeration cycle should be. (b) constant temperature lines Ans: d, 22. (e) mixture of ice and water Under equilibrium conditions. It extracts heat from a cold space and rejects heat to a high-temperature heat sink. (b) less (c) 420 kJ/min (d) expansion valve. (c) optimum (d) 1-actual COP x theoretical COP (b) in 1 minute (d) constant entropy lines Ans: d, 5. Ans: e, 72. In refrigerator, liquid receiver is required between condenser and flow controlling device, if quantity of refrigerant for system is (c) thermostatic valve (c) 5 (c) high latent heat (c) saturated liquid (d) toxic (b) is more than 1 (c) is equal to 1 In a flooded evaporator refrigerator, an accumulator at suction of compressor is used to (b) theoretical COP/actual COP (a) compression Where does the lowest temperature occur in a vapor compression cycle, (b) evaporator 11. Ans: b, 28. (b) manually operated valve (a) 0.2 Fig.5-5: A 2-stage cascade refrigeration cycle. (b) increases power required per ton of refrigeration (b) Rankine cycle As shown in Fig. (c) dehumidifier The refrigeration effect in a dry evaporator compared to flooded evaporator in a similar plant is Choose the correct statement (b) more In column analogy method, the area of an analogous column for a fixed beam of span L and flexural rigidity El is taken as a)    L/E... 31. Superheating in a refrigeration cycle Mass flow ratio of NH3 in comparison to Freon-12 for same refrigeration load and same temperature limits is of the order of (c) Rankine cycle Ans: b, 67. (c) using reagents The refrigerant for a refrigerator should have The refrigeration cycle collects this heat by sending the refrigerant at a low temperature and pressure into the evaporator within that room. (a) receiver (e) ammonia vapour to strong solution. (b) evaporator (b) Carnot (e) none of the above. A certain refrigerating system has a normal operating suction pressure of 10 kg/cm gauge and condensing pressure of about 67 kg/cm. The compressor discharge temperature protection is triggered when the temperature sensor on the discharge tube of the compressor reads too high of a value. Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced. (d) reduces weight displaced by piston • Identify different types of evaporators. In a refrigeration cycle, the flow of refrigerant is controlled by (a) bigger (c) 1 to 2 h.p. (a) Temperature of medium being cooled must be below that of the evaporator The maximum permissible limit for flouride in drinking water is a)  ... 21. (e) heat transfer. The lower horizontal line of the refrigeration cycle plotted on pressure-enthalpy-diagram represents (c) Reversed Rankine High temperature refrigeration is that produced by. (d) other factors decide COP (a) 0.1 to 0.5 h.p. per ton of refrigeration (a) very little work input (b) smaller cabinet should be used (e) under some conditions small and under some conditions high. The refrigerant used is The Cannot coefficient of performance of cycle will be (a) 0.2 (e) dry vapour. (d) absorption Highest pressure encountered in a refrigeration system should be a) Critical pressure of refrigerant b) Much below critical pressure c) Much above critical pressure d) Near critical pressure ... B. (e) anywhere in the cycle. Under-cooling in a refrigeration cycle (a) compressor The boiling point of ammonia is (a) condenser tubes (e) its input only in the form of heating. temperature (d) much below critical temperature (e) could be anywhere. (b) the cooling effect produced by melting 1 ton of ice High critical temperature. When the temperature in the refrigeration box is high, the coil temperature in R134a usually lowers to be colder than the box. Ans: d, 29. The change in evaporator temperature in a refrigeration cycle, as compared to change in condenser temperature, influences the value of C.O.P. (b) decrease (e) non-inflammable. (b) will be lower As the name suggests, these types of systems transfer heat by mechanically compressing refrigerant into a low-pressure, cold liquid and expanding it into a high-pressure, hot gas. (b) high (a) high (c) 2-4 bars (c) less (a) decreases Clapeyron equation is a relation between Ans: b, 2. (b) 0.8 But in reality the best systems are around 4.5. (d) 0°C (d) Erricson cycle (d) 6 (e) before entering the compressor. (a) condenser and expansion valve The bank of tubes at the back of domestic refrigerator are (c) cooling below 0°C (c) evaporator With temperature ranges between 35°F to 46°F, these medical refrigerators will securely store a wide range of vaccines, such as Influenza, rotavirus and MMRV. Domestic refrigerator working on vapour compression cycle uses the following type of expansion device (e) depends upon the weather conditions. Formation of frost on evaporator in refrigerator (a) will be higher (b) compressor and evaporator (a) Freon-12 Chilled water for use in processes such as injection molding may be in the same temperature range as … (a) Carnot cycle Reducing suction pressure in refrigeration cycle • Describe multiple- … (a) same (a) inflammable (c) at critica. Ans: a, 8. (b) less The freezer should be at least 3/4 full to maintain proper temperatures and reduce time. (e) Reversed Carnot. Air refrigeration cycle is used in (c) actual COP x theoretical COP (c) 80 kcal/min (a) high triiscibility with oil unit, one ton of refrigeration is equal to (b) direct Ans: e, 4. Ans: c, 73. Ans: a, sir, One ton of refrigeration is equal to the refrigeration effect corresponding to melting of 1000 kg of ice per ton of refrigeration (a) above which liquid will remain liquid (b) safety relief valve (b) a gas will immediately liquefy Choose the correct statement (e) Refrigerant is inside the lubes in case of a direct-expansion chiller. A refrigeration cycle operates between condenser temperature of + 27°C and evaporator temperature of- 23°C. In vapor compression cycle, the condition of refrigerant is high pressure saturated liquid (a) Co2 (e) unpredictable. In vapour compression cycle the condition of refrigerant is superheated vapour Ans: c, 50. (c) miniature sealed unit Required fields are marked *. (a) ammonia vapour goes into solution The higher temperature in vapour compression cycle occurs at, 39. (b) 0.5 to 0.8 h.p. per ton of refrigeration (e) unpredictable. A household refrigerator is a combination of refrigerator-freezer. If the evaporator temperature of a plant is lowered, keeping the condenser temperature constant, the h.p. The what are used to change the vapor to a liquid and the liquid form back into a vapor, in the refrigeration cycle? (d) metering of the refrigerant liquid (e) compressor discharge. (e) at which all the three phases exist together. (b) 1.2 The average cycle is about 30 minutes, but that's only when the refrigerator stays closed. (c) remain unaffected B commercial refrigerators. All of these columns deal with refrigerant pressures, states, and conditions as applied to a refrigeration system with a refrigerant like R-134a that is not a blend. This low pressure and low-temperature refrigerant vapor evaporates in the evaporator taking heat from the cold region. (d) reversed Rankine cycle per ton of refrigeration Ans: d, 69. (d) non-toxic and inflammable Vapor compression refrigeration is some what like (d) large latent heat In a vapor compression cycle, the refrigerant immediately after expansion valve is (e) pone of the above. Ans: c, 16. (c) equal (b) before passing through the condenser The C.O.P of a refrigeration cycle with increase in evaporator temperature, keeping condenser temperature constant, will (c) toxic and non-inflammable (c) much above critical pressure (e) increase refrigeration effect. The condenser. (a) temperature, pressure and enthalpy (e) 10. Ans: a, 18. Ans: e, 39. In ideal machines (a) mechanical advantage is greater than velocity ratio (b) mechanical   advantage  is  equal  to velocity ratio... 31. (e) low specific volume of vapour. (b) vapour absorption Which of the following refrigerants has lowest freezing point Ans: e, 42. (e) unpredictable. Temperature of process fluid: −10°F. (b) commercial refrigerators (a) more The vapor compression refrigerator employs the following cycie Ans: c, 26. Highest pressure encountered in a refrigeration system should be (d) compressor and condenser (c) C02 (e) unpredictable. (e) 5 to 10 h.p. Ans: a, 64. rick up the incorrect statement (c) after passing through the expansion or throttle valve (a) heat of compression (a) condensation of the refrigerant vapour (d) temperature, pressure, and specil volume (b) above critical temperature It is designed to maintain the freezer section at -18 o C and the refrigerator section at 3 o C. (c) zero The cause of this can be a faulty sensor, a faulty board, or an actual fault in the refrigerant lines (i.e. (d) before entering the expansion valve (a) 210 kJ/min Ans: d, 43. (e) none of the above. (b) before passing through the condenser (e) all of the above. (b) specific volume and enthalpy For better COP of refrigerator, the pressure range corresponding to temperature in evaporator and condenser must be, 37. (a) constant pressure lines (c) remains same (b) saturation point of liquid (d) much below critical temperature Absorption system normally uses the following refrigerant (c) temperature and enthalpy (d) low latent heat Short horizontal lines on pressure-enthalpy chart show Ans: d, 83. (b) smaller (b) 25% (e) unpredictable. (a) 0.1 ton (c) All solar thermally operated absorption systems are capable only of intermittent operation (d) may be higher or lower depending upon the nature of non-condensable gases In vapor compression refrigeration system, refrigerant occurs as liquid between (a) after passing through the condenser Moisture in freon refrigeration system causes (d) may increase or decrease depending on the type of refrigerant used (d) more or less depending on ambient conditions It should be observed that the system operates on a closed cycle. (d) all of the above (b) Stirling (c) good electrical conductor (c) is immaterial (e) before entering the compressor. (e) expansion valve. • Determine the boiling temperature in an evaporator. (a) is less than 1 Ans: e, 9. (e) in 10 hours. (b) evaporation of the refrigerant liquid (c) more than 10 kg (b) before passing through the condenser (d) frost on evaporator reduces heat transfer (e) none of the above. (b) more (e) none of the above. In a vapor compression refrigeration cycle, the temperature of the liquid refrigerant experiences its greatest decrease flowing through what component? (c) equal to atmospheric pressure (a) small Ans: d, 32. Assertion A : The consumption of water increases with increase in the distribution pressure. Ans: b, 63. (e) all of the above. Rating of a domestic refrigerator is of the order of Ans: e, 3. (c) high pressure side close to receiver (e) 105 kJ/min. Ans: b, 51. (e) none of the above. A refrigerant should have Ans: a, 27. (c) 5 (d) can be avoided by proper design (d) more/less depending on size of plant Vertical lines on pressure-enthalpy chart show constant (a) condenser (b) 5 tons Engineering 2021 , Engineering Interview, 300+ TOP Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Objective Questions and Answers. Note that, these equations must use an absolute temperature scale (T cold, T hot) and it is only a theoretical maximum efficiency. Ans: a, 24. (a) same Suction gas entering the compressor should not be above 65 deg. (c) Freon-22 In vapour compression cycle, the conditii of refrigerant is saturated liquid (b) high boiling point (d) condenser discharge (b) weak solution to strong solution (c) compressor (c) will remain unaffected (b) decrease In the gas cycle, the refrigeration effect is equal to the product of the specific heat of the gas and the rise in temperature of the gas in the low temperature side. (e) critical point. The Normal Refrigerator Cycle. (b) Carbon dioxide (b) decreases COP In vapour compression cycle using NH3 as refrigerant, initial charge is filled at (d) 6 ENGINEERING INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ANSWERS, CIVIL ENGINEERING INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQS, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INTERVIEWQUESTIONS, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MCQS, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND VIVA SEMINAR INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR ALL LAB VIVA QUESTIONS IN CSE, ECE, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS. 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